UNICEF: 3 billion teaching hours have been lost for Afghan girls

10 months ago
Study time 1 minute

At the same time as the 1,000-day ban on girls’ education above the sixth grade by the caretaker government, Catherine Russell, the executive director of UNICEF, or the United Nations Children’s Fund, says that children, especially girls, cannot be held hostage to politics.

Mrs. Russell today (Thursday, 24th of Gemini) by publishing a newsletter on the occasion of the passing of a thousand days of the ban on girls’ education above the sixth grade, said that the passing of a thousand days of the ban on girls’ education is described as “a sad and worrying milestone”.

He emphasized that three billion hours of educational opportunities for girls have been lost in these thousand days.

He added: “For 1.5 million girls, this systematic deprivation is not only a clear violation of their right to education, but also leads to a decrease in opportunities and deterioration of their mental health.”

The executive director of UNICEF stated that the effect of the ban on girls’ education goes beyond them and exacerbates the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and has serious consequences for the country’s economy and development path.

The executive director of the United Nations Children’s Fund said that education not only provides opportunities for girls, but also protects them from early marriage, malnutrition and other health problems, and builds resilience against disasters such as floods, droughts and earthquakes, which often occur in Afghanistan. Occurs, strengthens.

Mrs. Russell added that her colleagues are working hard to support all children in Afghanistan and together with the partners of this organization, she has provided the foundation of primary education for 2.7 million children.

In a part of his statement, the executive director of UNICEF said that they have also set up community-based educational classes for 600,000 children, two-thirds of whom are girls.

He emphasized that they are doing everything they can to maintain Afghanistan’s educational infrastructure.

He also asked the caretaker government to immediately allow all children to resume learning and asked the international community to continue supporting girls’ education.

Mrs. Russell said: “No country can move forward when half its population remains behind.”

This is despite the fact that the caretaker government after taking control of Afghanistan, first closed girls’ schools, but the Ministry of Education of this group announced in the third month of Hajl 1401 that schools for girls above the sixth grade are closed until further notice.

After that, girls were banned from studying in universities and private schools were also closed to them.

Short link : https://gowharshadmedia.com/?p=13636

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