“National Resistance Front”: The law of popularization is a tool to suppress women

6 months ago
Study time 2 minutes

In the continuation of the reactions to the law of commanding the good and prohibiting the evil of the caretaker government, “National Resistance Front” has said that this law is a tool to suppress women and will be the foundation of a collective punishment system.

This front issued a statement this morning (Monday, 5 Sanblah) saying that it categorically rejects and condemns any type of law that results from the dogmatic thinking of the current government and leads to an increase in physical and psychological violence against the people of Afghanistan, especially women.

It is further stated that the law of commanding the good and prohibiting the evil of the caretaker government, “represents the tribal and primitive thinking of this misogynistic group, which is in conflict with the essence of the religion and practice of nearly two billion Muslims around the world.”

It is stated in the declaration that the Islamic society of Afghanistan has established a peaceful life between men and women for centuries before the advent of the caretaker government, and based on the moral and cultural principles accepted in the society, the dignity, honor and dignity of women are considered public sacred.

“National Resistance Front” emphasized: “History will never forget the organized disrespect of the caretaker government against women, and this group will taste the consequences of this disrespect.”

This front has asked the people to “end their silence and indifference towards this sinister minority and their medieval policies.”

Also, the “National Resistance Front” has asked the clerics who cooperate with the caretaker government not to use the oppression and suppression of people as a means of securing their livelihood.

This is despite the fact that Hebatullah Akhundzadeh, the leader of the caretaker government, recently ratified the law of enjoining good and forbidding evil, and this law has now come into force.

This law includes an introduction, four chapters and 35 articles.

In the 13th article of this law, which is specific to women’s hijab, it is necessary to cover the whole body of women and their voice is considered part of the aurat.

According to the announced law, it is stated in the first paragraph of this article that “covering the whole body of a woman is mandatory”, in the second paragraph it is also mentioned that “it is necessary to cover the face of a woman due to the fear of sedition, and it is emphasized in the third paragraph that “women’s voice (loud singing of songs, verses and recitations in congregation) is awrat.”

This law of Nowruz, Yalda night, fireworks, shaving the beard and reducing it from the handle, wearing a necktie and shaving hair is against the Islamic Sharia; Leaving women’s voices out of the house and watching pictures and videos of the living on computers and mobile phones are considered among “special vices” and it is said that the ombudsman has the responsibility to prevent it.

The ratification of this law has caused widespread reactions. The German foreign minister called it 100 pages of hatred for women and the US special representative for women and human rights for Afghanistan said that this law shows that the caretaker government has returned to its policies of the 1990s.

Short link : https://gowharshadmedia.com/?p=15664

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