Local Educational Classes in Nangarhar Closed

2 months ago
Study time 1 minute

Local sources from Nangarhar province report that the Department of Education in this province has closed local girls’ classes supported by aid organizations on the orders of the Ministry of Education.

At least two sources said today (Sunday, December 2) that local classes in the districts of Kama, Dur Baba, Rodat, Momandara, Koot, Batikot, and Behsood, which were established with financial support from international organizations, including UNICEF, have recently been shut down.

One source stated that the local classes in these districts were closed by the order of the Ministry of Education, and students were dismissed starting yesterday (Saturday, December 1).

Another source emphasized that these classes were created by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for young girls.

The source added that local classes for boys have not been closed and their lessons continue normally.

This comes after local classes in Bamyan, Urozgan, Helmand, and Kandahar provinces were also shut down previously. The Ministry of Education has not officially commented on this matter yet.

In these educational classes, out-of-school children, including girls, receive education.

This situation arises as the rights and freedoms of women and girls have been severely restricted since the Taliban regained control over Afghanistan. In addition to the ban on education for girls above the sixth grade, women and girls have also been barred from attending universities.

The current government’s restrictions have left millions of schoolgirls without access to education.

Additionally, women are prohibited from going to sports clubs, restaurants, public baths, being examined by male doctors, traveling without a male guardian, working in domestic and international non-governmental organizations, and even in United Nations offices in Afghanistan.

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