Georgette Gagnon: Restrictions Affect the Provision of Health Assistance to Women and Children

3 months ago
Study time 1 minute

Georgette Gagnon, the political deputy of UNAMA (the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan), has expressed concern over the increasing restrictions on women and girls in the country, stating that these limitations are impacting the provision of health assistance to women and children.

In an interview with Tolo News, Ms. Gagnon described the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan as alarming, noting that the continuation of such conditions will make progress toward change difficult. Efforts to address this issue are ongoing, and these efforts need to be expedited.

The deputy head of the UN mission in Afghanistan stated that if the caretaker government does not change its approach toward women and girls, the recognition of this group’s government will be “very difficult.”

She added that the decisions of UN member states regarding the current government are related to the changing situation in Afghanistan.

Ms. Gagnon, who has extensive experience working in Afghanistan, emphasized that several UN member states and members of the Security Council have repeatedly stated that changes in the current government’s policies are necessary to address fundamental issues, including the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan.

Referring to the fact that the decision to recognize the current government depends on UN member states, she said: “As I mentioned, the situation is challenging. I believe it is clear from the statements that have been issued that if this situation continues, it will be very, very difficult to move toward that point (recognizing the Taliban government).”

Ms. Gagnon, who worked as the Human Rights Director for UNAMA in Kabul from 2010 to 2015, expressed her concerns about the recent actions of the current government, including closing medical institutes to female students and preventing women from being employed in domestic and international NGOs.

She stated: “Such restrictions affect the provision of health assistance for women and girls in the country; of course, not only for women but for all communities in need of humanitarian aid. This is a very serious situation; it could delay assistance for women, girls, children, and people throughout the country and will also impact development issues.”

Ms. Gagnon indicated that the people of Afghanistan are suffering from the policies of the current government, and efforts to resolve this problem must be accelerated.

She noted that the current government has not responded to internal and external concerns and has not found solutions for them.

It is worth mentioning that in the more than three years since returning to power, the current government has not only maintained its strict policies but has gradually intensified restrictions.

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