French newspaper: 156 female medical staff have left their jobs at a single hospital in Kabul

2 months ago
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The French newspaper Le Monde reports that 156 female medical staff have left their jobs at the French hospital in Kabul.

The report states that there were 280 female medical staff working at this hospital, but currently only 124 are coming to work, and the absence of female healthcare providers from medical centers is a “nightmare” for the people of Afghanistan, especially for women and girls.

In its report on the situation at the French hospital in Kabul, the newspaper writes that the restrictions imposed on female healthcare workers by the interim government have put half of the country’s population at risk.

It goes on to mention that out of nine patient resuscitation specialists at this hospital, eight have quit their jobs.

Le Monde quotes Eric Chisson, the head of the French hospital in Kabul, as saying: “Anti-women policies are emptying Afghanistan of female healthcare providers. Currently, medical centers are closing one after another.”

The head of the French hospital in Kabul states that due to the reduced activities of international health organizations, the number of patients visiting this hospital is steadily increasing.

He emphasized: “The influx of patients to this hospital is a tsunami.”

Eric Chisson added that the International Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders have reduced their health services in Afghanistan.

This French official warned that these international organizations are in the process of leaving Afghanistan.

Le Monde’s report mentions that the current government’s morality police are present to monitor the hallways and other areas of this hospital.

The newspaper specifies that the morality police regularly oversee the separation of female and male staff and patients in this hospital.

The report indicates that the Ministry of Public Health in Afghanistan forced the officials of the French hospital to remove a painting from the wall of this health center that depicted a woman embracing her child.

While Le Monde warns of the decreasing number of female healthcare providers in Afghanistan, it notes that the current government has recently banned the remaining opportunities for women’s medical education.

This comes as the current government has prohibited the education of women and girls above the sixth grade for the past three years.

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