flood in Bamyan; 17 members of two families have died

9 months ago
Study time 1 minute

Local officials from Bamyan Province say that 17 members of two families, including women and children, have died due to heavy rains and floods in “Yakavalnak Number 1” district of this province.

Speaking to Gowharshad media, Sabour Sighani, the spokesperson of the governor of Bamyan, said that the villages of “Dozdan-Ceshme”, “Hazar-Ceshme” and “Pudineto” in the district of “Yakavlang No. 1” witnessed heavy rain and flooding on Tuesday (Tuesday, Jon 25).

Mr. Sighani emphasized that the dead include women, children and men.

He added that the flood has also caused huge financial losses to the people.

The spokesman of the governor of Bamyan said that 35 heads of cattle were lost due to this flood and a number of residential houses, agricultural lands and roads were destroyed.

It should be said that in addition to Bamyan, Yamgan district of Badakhshan also witnessed heavy rains and floods yesterday.

Badakhshan Police Command has said that 30 residential houses and more than 300 acres of land were destroyed due to flooding in “Veni” and “Panidi” villages of this district.

In this solar year, different provinces of the country have witnessed heavy rains and devastating floods.

These floods have left many casualties and damages and displaced hundreds of people.

Short link : https://gowharshadmedia.com/?p=13879

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