22 People Including Four Women, Were Whipped in Jowzjan

4 months ago
Study time 1 minute

Abdul Ghani Saeed, the head of the caretaker government’s appellate court in Jowzjan, stated that 22 people, including four women, were punished in public at a stadium in this province.

Mr. Saeed mentioned that the whipping sentence for these individuals was carried out on Tuesday, November 5, at the stadium in Sheberghan, the capital of Jowzjan province.

He emphasized that these individuals were whipped for crimes including adultery (sexual relations outside of marriage), drug trafficking, production, and consumption of alcohol in public.

He added that the accused received between 25 to 29 lashes and were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from one month to one year.

Additionally, the Supreme Court of the current government stated on Tuesday, November 5, in separate announcements that one woman and one man were whipped in Kabul, two men were whipped in Paktika province, and another man was whipped in Maidan Wardak province.

The announcement indicated that the primary court in Kabul sentenced one woman and one man to one year and six months in prison for adultery and whipped each of them 39 times.

The Supreme Court reported that two individuals were sentenced to eight months in prison for “sodomy” in the Khusamand district of Paktika and received 36 lashes.

Furthermore, another announcement stated that government forces in the Saydabad district of Maidan Wardak province sentenced one man to two years in prison for “sodomy” and also whipped him 39 times.

The announcement noted that these individuals were whipped in the presence of local judicial, administrative, and military officials of this group, along with a number of citizens.

Since regaining control over Afghanistan, the caretaker government has repeatedly whipped accused individuals in public and executed five people in front of hundreds of spectators.

Human rights organizations consider executions and corporal punishment to be against international laws and human dignity, calling for their cessation.

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